Earn: PvE

Game Play

PvE is a fantastic way to get $DXM. Every NPC has a Power rating. Greater power for NPCs, more difficult to defeat, but greater rewards for victory!

You need at least three Monsters in your backpack to establish a team in order to begin playing PvE.

The gaming system will display the following when you select the NPC and assemble your team:

  • Power of NPC

  • Power of your team (Sum power of 3 monsters)

  • Win rate = Power of your team / Power of NPC * 100 %

Keep in mind that your monsters need a break to replenish their energy after attacking the NPC.

Rarity matters:

  • Legendary Monsters will cost less energy than Common Monsters

  • Legendary Monsters will have more power than Common Monsters

Click "Fight" to see the match outcome in 5 seconds. Within 24 hours, your wallet will automatically get the $DXM rewards if you were the lucky winner.

Rewards History

You may always click the "History" tab to view your past rewards:

Last updated