What is Digital X Monster?

X Monster is a project that combines GameFi with SocialFi. Through its Free-to-Play and Play-to-Earn models, X Monster delves into the possibilities of Web3 Gaming and your interactions on the platform. (Invest time on X on Twitter and then make money.)

Our concentration is on the Arbitrum ecosystem and we are natively launched on Arbitrum.

In X Monster, there are two types of players (and both of them are welcome):

  • Free to play: Spending money is not required to participate, but you can still win prizes. Approximately ten minutes a day on X will get you enough "points" to begin earning (PvE/Idle earn).

  • Invest to earn: Simply upgrade your pet with ETH-ARB to start earning right away, then place it in PvE or idle earn.

Our goal is to establish a free-market economy where users may enjoy themselves while playing X Monster and win prizes. Have fun while playing!

Last updated